Sunday, February 4, 2007

Insomina - #1

I hate nights like this. Nights when I lie awake and try to clear my mind of all thoughts but fail miserably. Then I end up infront of the computer screen with another episode of SVU playing in the background. Tonight what I can't get out of my head is the fact that I've been in AZ for 8 months now and I've only made a few friends, most of which I never see.

I can't get it out of my head that I've never had a boyfriend yet I'm completely enamoured with the idea of having one. This thought enrapts my mind enough that I was actually considering making a profile on, if I wasn't so worried about ending up with some wack job (which as my luck would be...) I would do it. As it stands I'm too afraid to do it.

Fear isn't something I'm used to. My friends back home have always told me that I would be in Gryffindor because I'm brave. It's rare that I feel like something is beyond me or unattainable. Everyday I get to school early. Like really early. I have a long commute so I'm there a couple hours ahead of time. That wouldn't be so bad except I have no friends to hang out with at campus and I end up sitting by myself for a majority of the time. I had hoped to find a club or something the other day when all the clubs had their stands set up, however all I could find was the young republicans (which I did sign up for).

The thing that I constantly wonder... does anyone else feel like this?

Well lets see if another SVU rerun can lull me to sleep... unless of course the Belz is on... I can't sleep through his scenes.


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