Well this is the first post on this blog. At last I've given in and got one of my own. I don't know if anyone has noticed but there aren't really that many blogs out there focused towards geeks. All of them are about fashion or cooking. And the ones that are out there for geeks are all about one thing specifically. Well geeks have a broad spectrum. At least I do and my friends do.
That being said I would like to tackle my first issue. Fanfiction. I love it. I have since 7th grade when I first stumbled across fanfiction.net, this was back when they still has nc-17 rated fanfics and they still had a normal rating system. What I want to know is: What happened to fanfic? Am I the only one who remembers back when people wrote stories that were worth reading. Apparently there is a total disregard for the English language, spell check, and maybe even some sort of style. I know that I make the occassionaly grammatical error, it happens. However there are stories out there that use just the letter "u" instead of typing out "you" why is that a difficult task? Do people actually think that they are producing something that people will want to read? More then that are they proud of it? When I post a story I make sure that it is work that I can be proud of. Work that I wouldn't be ashamed to hand into to a professor. It's just mind boggling to me that people seriously post this stuff then wonder why the good reviews aren't pooring in.
Well that's just one geeks opinion. BTW, I'm watching TV with my sister and she put Wedding Wars on and guess who is playing John Stamos' gay lover? The guy who played Simon on Firefly and Sernity! LMAO. Uncle Jesse and Simon are shacking up? Who saw that one coming?